Friday, 27 September 2013

LBP #5

                                                                                JMJ Jesus
Lord be praised that God gave us such a nice Catholic Church with caring priests and sisters.
Lord be praised that God gave us such a humble and cheerful pope, Pope Francis, who inspires millions by his simplicity and good works.
Lord be praised that God gave us His Only Son, to die for me and you, whoever you may be.
Lord be praised that God gave us such an awesome and up-to-date Bible that no bestseller will beat in wisdom and practical tips, for everything.
Lord be praised that God gave us such amazing prayers for us : the Hail Mary, which makes all of Heaven rejoice when said properly, Jesus, the most powerful and shortest prayer which drives away evil in record–time, and the greatest of all, the Holy Mass, the greatest wonder on Earth, and whose merits are infinite and second to none.
Lord be praised.

LBP #4

                                                                                JMJ Jesus
Lord be praised that you look so lovely when you smile and laugh.
Lord be praised that you have so many tremendous talents to use for He Who Lives and Loves.
Lord be praised that you have a body that functions so accurately and precisely.
Lord be praised that you have such worthy parents.
Lord be praised that you have such a happy family.
Lord be praised.

LBP #2

                                                                                JMJ Jesus
Lord be praised that the universe was created just the right way by God in his wisdom, because if there was an even slight change in one of the many constants of the cosmos we would never have existed – If the electromagnetic force had been 1033 times stronger than gravitational force instead of the normal 1036, stars would have died out billions of years ago and you would never have lived to read this sentence.
Lord be praised that each and every human is so unique that the chance of being another person like you is 10 raised to the power of two billion.
Lord be praised that you are so gifted differently with over 500 unique collection of talents, one or two in which you will excel incredibly if you allow Jesus in your life.
Lord be praised that the human being was so wonderfully designed and functions so impeccably.
Lord be praised that the world has so many inspiring people who sacrifice their time unselfishly for others just to make the planet a joyful place.
Lord be praised.

LBP #1

                                                                                JMJ Jesus
Lord be praised that I’m alive.
Lord be praised that I have been created so beautifully and given an amazing soul.
Lord be praised that such a magnificent world, full of millions of astounding animals and plants has been created for me by Jesus.
Lord be praised that I live in such a overwhelming universe with more than 100 billion galaxies and billions of billions of stars.
Lord be praised that if I live for Him, I’ll have a delightful future in heaven ahead of me, with every moment happier than the previous.
Lord be praised.

In The Name Of Jesus - First Post

                                                In the Name of Jesus                                    
Hello, guys!
Welcome to this blog, Lord Be Praised, whoever you are!
This Catholic blog focuses on the blessing of God that we experience, from those in our day to day life, to the more profound. This blog seeks to reveal the many things we need to be grateful for, and to show that many amazing blessings that we go through every day are taken for granted. This blog desires to glorify God.
Each of the following posts will contain five things to be thankful for. The reader can try to identify himself with what is written, and comment on relative experiences or topics as well. The author gently reminds the readers that unwanted or irrelevant comments will be promptly deleted.
Any meaningful suggestions will be gratefully acknowledged.
I sincerely hope that this blog will touch and transform millions, and invoke God’s blessings on all peoples and also on all similar blogs, websites, literature, films, music, and ventures.
O Blessed Mary, intercede for us.
Jesus bless you!
Note: This blog does not yet have papal approval.